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Oregon Metro Employee Engagement Survey

Customizing out-of-box solutions to provide customized data.

Oregon Metro, Portland Metro’s general public services agency, had been running two separate surveys: their Employee Engagement Survey, and a separate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey. They wanted to combine these to create a more efficient way of gathering data to study engagement and DEI relationships.

The Challenge

Oregon Metro really liked their out-of-the-box, yet inflexible, EE survey. But they also wanted to include DEI questions and have Gallup produce data in their standard dashboard format.

Employee engagement improved after the creation of data-informed Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plans at the departmental level.

The Solution

We collaborated with Metro to finalize DEI survey questions to include in their EE survey and then worked with Metro and Gallup to pull all final data, analyze EE/DEI data, and create reports and recommendations that bridged all topics. This is a great example of how RRG can supplement boxed solutions to produce customized results.

The Result

Metro utilized the data in the creation of their Strategic Plan to Advance Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, which was published in 2016 and guides their ambitious community-level, regional-level, and organization-level DEI work.

Department-level data allowed individual Metro departments to create their own Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plans, which led to demonstrated and statistically significant change in terms of employee engagement and DEI findings one year and two years after implementation. We continue to provide follow-up surveys to drive action plan evaluation and continued change.